
Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Ugly Envy Bug

So....we all have our issues and today (or this week) I have really felt the ugliness of envy creep into my life. I think I go through this from time to time and I know that it is wrong, but still...if I want to be real about myself, than I must admit...envy can be a real issue at times for me. (and I doubt I am alone in this) I am trying to be thankful for everything that I have and yet, it is so easy to slip into these worldly thoughts about what I don't have. So...I confess:

I an envious of people who have time to spend with their spouses. (With Tom working full time/schooling full time...well...there isn't much left!)

I am envious of those who own their own home and can paint and decorate to suit their taste.

I am envious of those who can just go out and Christmas shop for their loved ones when I find things I know they would enjoy rather than hoping there is enough in the bank account to run out the week of Christmas and hope to find something that will suffice.

I am envious of those who seem to be able to keep their houses perfect with little ones running around!

I am envious of people who are creative. 

Picture Credit
And yet...I know the truth.

James 13:14-15 "But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic."

Envy is horrid. It really does cause us to dig into a deeper and deeper hole. It is easy to feel sorry for ourselves sometimes. It is something that we are ashamed to admit most of the time.  The more we think about what we don't have, the less we think about what we Do have...and that just isn't good. 

So...putting things in perspective....

I have a husband who works hard at his job to provide for everything we NEED...he is working hard at school all the time to hopefully, eventually get a job in the field that he really enjoys working in (as much as anyone can enjoy working of course).

I have a home with a roof over our heads, comfortable beds to sleep in and a landlord who fixes things when they break.

Christmas is about Jesus and I really am thankful to be in a place that really has forced us to focus on the "reason for the season".

I have three precious babes who mess up my house constantly because they are healthy, playing, living and having fun...with me!

I am thankful for pinterest...because even though I am not great at coming up with my own ideas...I am FANTASTIC at copying them and making them my own! haha

So...if life has you in a place where you are more focused on what you don't have, rather than what you do...try to flip it around. Gain some perspective and remember...

...this too shall pass.

James 1:17: "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."

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