
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cleft Palate Surgery

It's here...well it will be here tomorrow

We will be taking our sweet baby girl into Strong Memorial Hospital at 9:30am to have her Cleft Palate repaired and tubes put in her ears to prevent future infections (or at least many of them!). Prayers are appreciated.

I do plan to update throughout the day on her progress for those who are interested in following along. Right now, we really do not know what to expect in terms of recovery but supposedly it won't be too bad. This worried mama would like to be sure of that! is a picture that my cousin (Thanks Christi!) managed to capture on accident a few weeks back and it actually allows you to see the hole in the roof of her mouth: (Don't mind the drool)

Tomorrow morning, God willing, her is a picture of what they will do:

Seems simple enough to me. As far as we know, Janessa will wear elbow restraints for 2 weeks to prevent her from touching her mouth or putting anything in it. They say that she will be uncomfortable just for a day or two with soreness and pain but it will be easily controlled with medication. She will be unable to use her pacifier (sad for mommy and daddy). 

That is all we know for now. We will keep you all updated and appreciate the prayers!

1 comment:

  1. we've been praying and of course we will continue to, Chrissy.


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