
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

She's three!!!

Happy Birthday to our 3 year old....Janessa Faith.

 Her life started with my most horrendous pregnancy yet, followed by a pretty terrible delivery. (labor was so much). 

She was born on my cousin David's 14th Birthday and he was so happy about that, he even came to see her in the hospital! We still do big family parties for the kids so here the "then and now" picture.

Shortly after she was born it was discovered that she had a cleft palate which was repaired right before she turned which point she also had ear tubes put in because until that point, she could barely hear due to fluid.

He life started in kind of a whirlwind and although she was our easiest baby for the first year...she has since become a  young lady! We should have known by her hair as a baby!!

She only naps a couple of times a week for me now (despite my NEED for her to nap every day!!) Recently...I put her down for a nap in Keira's bed (because she shares a room with Levi, I separate them at nap time)...I went to check on her a while later and she wasn't there. I searched the house top to bottom and couldn't find her anywhere. I finally found her on my bed behind a huge pillow and pile of laundry I inteded to fold later. Keep in mind we took the pacifier away months ago so I am now sure where she found one! 

When she woke up, she said "ha ha ha ha ha...I twicked you and moved to mommy's bed!" She keeps me on my toes even when she's sleeping.The thought did cross my mind that if I let her have the binky back, she might take more naps!!

For anyone out there that has seen the Despicable Me movies, we liken Janessa to being our little minion....and oh how she loves the minions!

Janessa is the first one to get up every morning...she seems to sense when I am about to get up "early" to have some alone mommy quiet time and manages to wake up 5 minutes prior to that every. haha. We have already had two family parties for her and so this morning when I said. "Happy Bithday sweetie!" she replied, "My Birfday Again?" haha. I love her.

Here is the cake from one of her family parties this weekend (a friend made it...she makes awesome cakes!! check out her facebook page here!)

It really depicts who Janessa is right now....her "minion" personality...always busy...always looking for something to do or get into...not always choosing the best way to do it....mixed with her girly princess side. She loves to act out the movie Frozen and does so on a daily basis. 

She so wants to be like her sisters but doesn't always know the right way to get their attention if you know what I mean! Same goes for her little brother. 

She is smart and funny and mischeivous and sweet. She is my most exhausting child but brings me so much laughter and joy at the same time. She wants to "help" me with EVERYTHING which in the future I think will be awesome....right now...well...I'm learning patience.

Her laugh is contagious.

Her immediate future could include more surgeries...more ear tubes, possilbe removal of adenoids....possible other cleft palate anomalies stuff....we shall see! 

I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for this little girl.

Have a happy year being 3 my baby girl!
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