
Monday, September 28, 2020

Another Change in the Plans

I think I reminded daily that I named this blog appropriately with the name "Not My Plans".  

Poor Janessa came down on her ankle wrong this weekend. 

Of course, I was away for the weekend with Keira at our first dance competition since January!!!! Off topic completely, but we had a great weekend and finally got to spend time with friends and see our girls do what they love. 

Anyways, Janessa's ankle was swollen and bruised but daddy made sure she was comfortable. They iced it and she slept fine.

On Sunday, he took her to urgent care just to make sure and they took an x-ray. They said it was a sprain, wrapped it in an ace bandage and sent her home. 

A few hours later, I got a call from the urgent care doctor who said that after the radiologist reviewed her x-rays, he saw a space that he didn't like so their might be a ligament injury and we should see Pediatric Orthopedics. 

So, today, I took her there (where we were in May with Addie's broken arm...thankfully not from the trampoline). It was a fracture, a small fracture that should heal in just a few weeks with a cast on. 

So, we will now not be headed to visit my sisters family in North Carolina in a few weeks because she will need to be seen here and due to Governor Cuomo's travel restrictions, we would have to quarantine for 2 weeks when we got back. So...once again, our plans are changed. 

Why do I even try to make plans? 😂 Have I not learned? 

We look at the positive and realize that God must not have wanted us to go for some reason. We will just continue to enjoy each other!

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