
Friday, April 20, 2012

The newest BIG sister...Elizabeth Grace

Oh Where to begin with our sweet Elizabeth Grace who is so happy to have a little sister whom she mostly still calls Emily! We aren't sure why, but I think it is pretty funny and we are constantly correcting her with Janessa's real name.
Libby and Janessa
Libby is a feisty little one these days. At the ripe old age of 2.25, she has spunk. Libby starts each morning by coming into our bedroom and asking if she can snuggle with me...of course, this is allowed! Then she promptly asks, "mom, can I play yuz Iphone" (Translated from Libby language this is, "mom, can I play with your Iphone.") I usually let her while I am getting myself ready for the day and she looks much like she does in the picture below.

Libby catching up on her electronics time!
As many little sisters do, Libby enjoys doing whatever Keira is doing...sometimes Keira is ok with it...and sometimes she is not. Different from her big sister, Libby LOVES Minnie Mouse. I mean...she REALLY loves minnie mouse. I would almost classify it as an unhealthy obsession. As you can see in the above picture, Minnies pink polka dot dress and pink shoes are sticking out from under her. 99% of the time, Libby has some form of Minnie mouse with her, and when she forgets, it can cause a meltdown!

This little girl is extremely physical. This is a new experience for us in dealing with hitting, pushing and hair pulling...oh...and the SCREAMING! 

Most of the time, she is a really happy, content little girl. She loves to play with others but also LOVE LOVE LOVES to play by herself. She adores reading [this includes being read to or looking at books on her own]. 

Now...both Keira and Libby have been great sleepers/nappers since they were born, but lately, Libby has different ideas about going to bed! We will them tucked into their bunk beds and Keira will go to sleep. Libby, however, has been staying up for an hour or two just talking or playing in her bed. We cannot seem to make the child go to sleep.

One night, she was up for 2 hours telling herself Knock knock jokes....while this is hilarious to me, it can also get frustrating. Especially since she doesn't actually understand or tell any of the knock knock jokes correctly. 

As a new big sister, Libby has fallen in love with "her" baby. Everything that I do with Janessa, she does with her Minnies. They get fed, wrapped in blankets, go in the baby swing and she all around takes care of them like they are her babies. We think that Libby will be the funny kid in our family. She loves to laugh and loves to make others laugh. She repeats everything she hears...mostly out of context, but she keeps us laughing. 

My prayer is that through her love for making people happy, she will be able to show the Love of Christ through her joy.

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