
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Oh the Places we MAY go!

So...I am writing this at the risk of getting reamed out by a few people but I am going to go ahead and write it anyways since we would covet any prayer for us in a HUGE decision to be made.

Let me start by saying that NOTHING has been decided yet at all...but we are in the beginning stages of Tom possibly rejoining the United States Army.

Yes, there...I said is now public knowledge!

There are more positives and negatives to this decision than I care to list right now. Obviously, the fact that both of our families live here as well as our cherished church family and many of our friends which is what makes this decision far more difficult that it would be for some.

However, that being said, there are a ton of great things that could happen for Tom as well as the girls and I if we decided to take this leap. Let's face would be a bit exciting.

All in all, we can make all of the pro/con lists that we want. We are completely aware of the meaning of this and the terrifying parts as well as the fun ones. What our decision comes down to is God's will for our family.

I would ask that you please hold us in your thoughts and prayers as we make a possibly life changing decision not just for us, but our kids as well. Please pray that we will clearly hear God's voice in this and that we will be at peace 100% with our decision either way.

I will continue to post more as God places things on our hearts and minds about this decision. It has honestly been the only thing on my mind for about 5 weeks now so it is time to get it out there and gather some other prayer warriors!


  1. Chrissy...I didn't know you were a blogger! :) I'll be praying for you and I'm confident that whichever choice you make, God is with you every step :)

  2. Of course, we want God's will for your family, but we would miss you terribly especially my beautiful Grandflorist babies.
    Is your possible decision partly due to my teasing you about causing me to covet when you bring the girls to church? :^)


I love to hear your comments and thoughts...Share with me please!