
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Keira 4 years 2 months

Keira makes me laugh everyday. This is a conversation that we had today:

K: "Mom, when I am six, can I stop taking naps?
Me: "Yes, when you are six."
K: "But Libby will still take naps, right?"
Me: "Maybe"
K: "Then I can say to her, Goodnight Squirt!"

haha....she is great! when she took her "rest" time, she was given a pile of books and told that she could not come downstairs until the clock said 3. When I checked on her, this is what I found.

I have no idea where the doritos came from or how she got them up there without me seeing!

 Keira wants her hair to grow as long as Repunzels (oh I hope not).

She will spend hours drawing and coloring and "making cards" for people.

Keira is very sensitive and gets her feelings hurt easily. But, she has a big heart and a lot of Compassion for others.

The other day, she asked if she could sing with a microphone at church about Mermaids and Fairy's. I politely told her that at church we sing praise to Jesus. So...she made up this song:

Oh what will the next month bring!

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