
Monday, August 13, 2012

Keira's Preschool...week 1

Many of you know that we have chosen the path to home-school. Although I have been given the advice from other home-school moms that I don't need to do pre-school and that it could cause me to get burned out quickly, Keira has basically asked for it. I thrive on structure and schedules so we decided as a family that we would just get started a year before Kindergarten. I know that it seems early but with vacations that we have planned and knowing that Janessa will need surgery sometime this winter, I wanted to make sure we would still be done with the program before Summer.

The week started me at least. I am not sure where she got it from but suddenly when I mentioned that we were going to start pre-school, Keira started whining and complaining about it! When we actually sat down to do it...SHE LOVED IT...but then said that she was done (after the first day) and didn't need to do it any more. haha.

At the end of week one...I am happy to say that she loves it and looks forward to it. She has even said her Bible verse a few times when I have told her that she needs to listen to me at other times during the day!

Most days I feel like I can't do anything the way that I want to (keep the house clean, keep up with laundry, have a hot dinner on the table, not yell at the kids...etc...the list goes on...and on...and on) but so far...I feel like Homeschooling is exactly what our family is supposed to do.

Ask me again when I am teaching complex math and we will see how I feel! haha.

1 comment:

  1. Chrissy -
    Another mom helped me see a few years back how of the three key thing - teach kids, do good dinner, clean properly - it seems only two can get done on any given day.
    It is only now getting easier with the kids doing a LOT more chores.


I love to hear your comments and thoughts...Share with me please!