
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Libby Grace, 2 years 7 months

Today Libby is 2 years and 7 months old. We think that she is absolutely hysterical! She is at a stage where she wants to keep up with big sister and most of all wants to talk as much as her. This results in random phrases being used when they don't make sense and just saying things that don't pertain to each other.
For example: She came downstairs with her minnie mouse and a few books and said, "I got some books to red to Minnie. That's the question." Um...what's the question..haha! I LOVE IT!

Libby is completely in love with Minnie Mouse and sleeps with a [disgustingly gross] stuffed version who she refers to as "Big Minnie". This is probably because all of her other Minnie's are smaller but in my isn't very big :)

Also, this week, we began potty training. Let me pre-empt this by saying that if there was one part of parenting that you could send your children away for, it would be potty training for me...I despise it! Becuase of that, I choose to be the mom who does it as fast as I can, all at once, not dragged out and YES...I BRIBE!

When I potty trained Keira, it took 6 days. she was 26 months and the first 5 days were brutal  (she never went in the potty at all). Day 6, I stripped her down, put the potty seat in the living room, turned on a movie for her to watch and waited. When she started to go, I stuck her on the potty and that was that. She has only had a few accidents ever...even at night!

So...when Potty training began this week, we went straight to having Libby be naked. My schedule conflicted a few times so I actually had to put her in a diaper to go places on Monday and Tuesday. Yesterday was Wednesday and although she cried all day long (because she was holding it and HAD to go!), she went in the potty twice! (She also peed on the floor twice and in her diaper at nap time). Today, she woke up dry (Wahoo!) and about mid morning, she came downstairs from playing with Keira, sat on the potty and crying! She made it through the entire day with no accidents! Success!

We are still waiting for her to do number 2 but this is an entirely different experience than it was with Keira! In some ways, it is easier and some ways harder but regardless...I still HATE potty training.
for future embarrassment purposes! (Don't look at my messy living room....when I am potty training, nothing else seems to get done!)

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