
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

No TV...huh?

I wish I had a picture of Keira's face last night when I told her that starting today we would not be watching any TV for a month...yes, you heard me a month. You would have thought that all of her toys just got thrown away on accident!

So, yes, we have decided to turn off the TV for a month in our home. We cannot control what goes on when we are visiting others and wouldn't even want to try to control that, but when we are home, we want it off for  a month.

So, this makes it sound like we waste a lot of time watching the tube and I assure you, we don't, however, my kids do watch a few approved shows almost every day. Sometimes they watch more than that (tisk tisk, I know) and sometimes they don't watch any. Truly this is going to be much harder on me than them, but still, it will be a sacrifice for everyone. I am still not sure how I will ever get to take a shower or cook dinner but I guess I will have to be creative...or dirty and hungry!

Why, you ask? Well, I would like to implement a system for earning TV time. My kids LOVE LOVE LOVE TV. I don't know why, but they do. So, I think that a "re-start" is in order. I just believe that this will be easier to accomplish if they haven't watched it all for a while rather than saying, "ok kids, today we are going to do things a bit different." They are going to have to think about what they really want to watch and I am hopeful that they will desire to watch it less. We'll see.

Really, we want less of this:

and more of this: marks day one of no TV...I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. We have taken time off television before. The first few days they seem to miss it and before you know it a month or more has gone by and they are doing fine. Also - we have made exceptions mid-month, let's say, if some wonderful watch-as-a-family-movie-opportunity came up. But really - it feels so good to take a break. :)


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