
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Gestational Diabetes we problem that I did not include in my "Third Trimester" letter.

Gestational Diabetes. With a family History, my age and the fact that Janessa was almost 9 lbs., they were afraid that this was going to happen...and it did.

I am trying not to freak out because I know that this is a common issue that is completely treatable, but any time anything does not go exactly as it should in a pregnancy, it is a scary thing, right?

So, yesterday, I got the call from my OB/GYN that I needed to go and see the Diabetes Specialist. They got me in right away and I went yesterday afternoon. There, I learned how to test my own blood sugar which I need to do 4 times a day.

I also learned that they think I will need some form of oral medication during this pregnancy to control it because my fasting numbers are what is high (there is a lot more to that, but I will leave it at that).

Basically, it means that the Placenta for the baby is not doing what it should and is producing too much of a hormone that is blocking my body from producing the normal amounts of insulin needed.

This could cause the baby to grow larger than "normal". It could also mean that baby's blood sugar will drop after he is born and require some extra care and monitoring.

They gave me a strict low-carb diet to live on for the next few months (which isn't that hard since Tom and I have already switched to a lot of whole foods in our house)...for me it really means no morning "soda" (I don't really do coffee). It also means eating 3 meals a day (not always good at that) and 3 small snacks a day. Hopefully this will keep my blood sugars in control and there won't be further problems.

Tom is doing it with me. I mean...really, it is the healthy way to eat. I think the biggest difference is just paying attention to what and when I am putting food in my mouth and making sure that I count the carbs at each meal so I am not overwhelming my body.

Hopefully, this will do everything it is supposed to do and I will not have further issues with it.

I just find a little humorous that this was NOT one of the things I was even worried about.

oh well.

1 comment:

  1. Just stopping by to let you know I am thinking about you and praying for you Chrissy!!!
    ~ Heather (Smeenk) Vogler


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