
Monday, June 10, 2013

Third Trimester

Dear Third Trimester,
  Well, here we are's only been a little over a year since I was here before. 28 weeks pregnant. I think we have a few things that need to be resolved about our past before we can have a good relationship. 

First of all, I would really appreciate it if you would allow me to not fall down (or up) any stair cases and land on my belly. 

Second, fainting for no reason is never fun so I am hoping you will keep that from happening at random this time around.

Third, I would really love it if my feet and ankles never had to look like this again.

Fourth (and I understand that this is a long list but we've had a lot of disagreements), I would VERY GREATLY appreciate you keeping my blood pressure under control. Like all of my other pregnancies, so far we have been at a steady 110/70 at all appointments. Let's keep it that way.

Fifth, please don't allow the horrid bone pain that I had with Janessa. it really made labor/delivery much rougher than in the past and I don't care to repeat that.

Sixth, so far my iron levels have been good and in the normal range. Let's keep it that way.

Seventh, and my final request. I have never experienced end of pregnancy in the summer and while I am excited to be able to get outside more than in the past, I am a bit nervous about being huge and chasing a 1 year old around. I would love to at least be semi-comfortable. I am really hoping you are kind on my horrible allergies during this season!

Oh third trimester, I am excited to meet my son in 12 short weeks so please don't ruin it for me. Allow for these next couple of months to be quality time with the hubby and the girls before a new little person comes in.

If we can come to terms on these things I think our relationship will grow by leaps and bounds for any future meetings that we may have.

Here's hoping you can agree to all of this!



  1. If this works, you've inspired me...

  2. far, I failed the 1 hour glucose test! haha

  3. Well, you didn't mention it in the letter. :)
    Hopefully the "big" glucose goes better for you!


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