
Friday, March 28, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Mighty

Today's word for five minute Friday is "Mighty". When I think of this word, it just immediately brings songs to my head. Maybe it's because I love love love worship music. Maybe its because I feel like so much of my measly little life is Mighty compared to God. Maybe it's because I don't feel like it is even possible for me to do anything "mighty".

But God....Oh He is Mighty.

"...He is Mighty to Save"...
"...What a Mighty God we serve..."
"...Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God..."

But what does it really mean. I am not sure if this is cheating in terms of the 5 minute Friday rules of not editing but I just looked up the definition and some synonyms for the word:

1) possessing great and impressive power or strength, esp. on account of size.
2) extremely

Fearsome, ferocious, exceedingly, enormously, immensely, tremendously, hugely.

We cannot even begin to imagine how "Mighty" our God is.

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1 comment:

  1. Love this! I actually thought about the song Mighty To Save as well. Here from FMF. Great post!


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