
Thursday, September 4, 2014

A lesson from me....for me.

Do you ever feel like, "why do I never learn"? That's me.

Like most people in our area, we started school this week.

While some may feel that life gets more difficult when that is quite the opposite for me.

Sure...we have actual things that NEED to be accomplished each day but I must admit that I thrive on being busy.

I don't just say that. I really mean it.

I know that everyone is different and some people truly need down time (ahem...that would be my husband!) but down time to me is sitting on the sofa while we watch a movie and I work on something...writing, cross stitching, crocheting, a photo album, coupons, a sudoku puzzle...anything!...etc.) I feel the need to be accomplishing something at all times or I simply cannot relax. point.

I get so much more done when we are busy and I have a set schedule. While I am sure that the years ahead of homeschooling 4 children will take up much more time than doing 1st grade with Keira and some Pre-K with Libby, I have to say that I love it.

We use a fantastic curriculum that tells me exactly what to do each day and I have an intense Calendar that maps our days out. Living on a schedule goes much smoother [most of the time] than summer days when we can "do whatever we want".

So, why do I do that to myself. Next summer I need to just remind myself to make a set schedule for us and stick to it!

The house ends up cleaner, the kids more content, I feel more accomplished and most importantly, I end up spending SO much more time reading the bible and praying!

So...the lesson for myself. Just because we don't have to do school, co-op, set dance class, Community Bible Study, Pioneer Girls, Choir...etc. doesn't mean I can't make a schedule for myself and the kids so we can feel like we are doing something worthwhile.

Maybe next summer I will look into different ways we can serve in the community together to give us something that we are committed to each week, I could be better at making actual play dates with poeple and we could visit a different park for a picnic each week. Simple. Fun. Scheduled.

I am a happy mama to be on a schedule again! What about you?

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