
Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Crazy, Beautiful Weekend

Last weekend, our church did a Passion Play. Basically a recreation of Christ's life, death and resurrection. It was a full costume musical and it was a blast! We did this last year as well, but since I was giving birth to Janessa, I obviously was not a part of it...though Tom was.

This year, we were both able to be in it. Tom was John the Baptist and I was actually a mocker of Jesus. (gasp!) In huge part because we live so close to family who were graciously willing to watch them during all of the rehearsal hours! We so appreciate that.

Anyways, the week of dress rehearsals started off  crazy with people from the cast coming down with colds and the stomach bug! Ugh.

I completely attribute this to Satan trying to get in the way of something that God was doing. And, of course, God won. All were able to be in the show that were supposed to be and it went great.

People came to know the Lord. People recommitted their lives and overall, God used our church to present the gospel to people who needed it.

Which brings me to my favorite part...

Keira...our almost 5 year old (she reminds me of that often), wanted to watch this year. Her best bud got to be in it because she is already 5 and Keira wanted to see it all. So, Friday night, there she sat with my mom and family in the second row.

I had fully prepared her for what she would see acted out in front of her and wanted her to understand that while these things really did happen, Eric, who was playing Christ, was not actually going to die.

I wanted her to understand that while mommy was playing  a bad guy and yelling mean things at Jesus, that in real life, I love Him.

Apparently I scared her.

Through the entire first act, every time the lights went down, she asked my mom if this was where he was doing to die. She was scared to see it. When at one point she said, "I think I'm going to die", my mom took her down to childcare which was fine with me. At 4 years old, I figured she did not need to see it. Us telling her the story is enough.

Well...then Saturday night came around. She wanted to see it again....and this time she was determined to watch Jesus die.

So, there she sat, towards the back with Tom's mom and family. And she sat (or stood on her chair) through the entire thing (over 2 hours) without a peep!

She cried when Jesus died.

She cried tears of joy when he rose again.

She raised her hand when the pastor gave an alter call at the end.

At first, I didn't take this completely seriously. I thought she was cute and I was happy that she understood the meaning of the play but on the way home she explained in an almost 5 year old way, that she understood. And she did for the most part.

She has genuinely changed her demeanor and is trying to do things for the right reasons.

This mama is happy.

Here are  a few pictures...most of which I stole from my friends facebook page of our show!

Our worship Pastor Mike, Tom as John the Baptist in the middle, with Eric who played Jesus.

Our Nephew Bryce

Jesus and a Pharisee (in real life they are father/son!)

Libby singing Jesus Loves Me in the dressing room after one of the shows!

Mike and Chris (worhip pastor and his beautiful wife...also good friends of ours...but this guy put this entire thing together!)

A group of the fun kids that were in the show!

A picture I took of Tom and me on my phone at dress rehearsal. This was after his John the baptist scene when he became the apostle Andrew. 

It was a completely exhausting, completely crazy and completely beautiful weekend!

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