
Friday, March 15, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Rest

I am teaming up with Five Minute Friday and today the topic is "Rest". So...the deal is to write for 5 minutes on the word and then editing or goes.


Lately I have been feeling like I can never get enough rest. Let's be honest. I have 3 girls 4 and under and another little something on the way. I am tired. I have an awesome hubby who often deals with kids that wake up in the night because he doesn't want to wake me. (And apparently I could sleep through a Hurricane right now). But...I am tired.

If I am honest, it isn't a sleep issue. It is a chaos issue. I need to find rest in the Lord. I need to cast my anxieties on Him and focus. I know that is the need, but that doesn't make it easy.

Our life is filled with wonderful things. I don't think we are too busy and I don't think we aren't doing enough. It feels balanced and good.

But still...I need to not just sleep, I need to rest in God.

I need to take time out from my little projects and such and just spend some time, even a few minutes here and there, just letting God be God in my life. Only focused on Him.

That would be rest.

That would be the rest that I need.

1 comment:

  1. Chrissy, I can relate to you on so many levels. There is, indeed, a difference between just "resting" and "resting in God." What a good reminder for me! Thanks for this post. Visiting today from #FMF :)


I love to hear your comments and thoughts...Share with me please!