
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Six Years a Mama

Today, our Keira girl is 6 years old. 

The child who made me a mama. 

The one who God gave me to teach me how much I could love another person. Not that I love her more than the hubby...but it is a different kind of love.

When you look into the eyes of your firstborn for the first time, you get to experience a fraction of the kind of love that God has for us. 

As a baby, she was already so full of joy. The only time she cried was at bedtime...she wailed actually...for 15 minutes and then she went to sleep. She would NOT fall asleep in our arms...she had to cry. I think it is because she never cried during the day.

Around 1 year old. 
She has truly been a delight. Keira is emotional about everything now. I think it is why she is caring and compassionate and never wants anyone to feel left out. Although her emotions can make difficult situations, I think that they make her a beautiful person.
2 year picture
I don't love her more than any other child, but most of our "firsts" as parents are with her. So it is different. That also comes with the territory of her being the first one who gets the brunt of our it's not all good! haha

 She is a rule follower (when she is not at home!) and it kills her when she disappoints anyone. 
3 years old.
 She takes her role of big sister seriously....and I hope that continues. She is a leader and a follower. She loves to be silly yet also can be serious at times. Like daddy, she likes to try new foods that she has never seen or tried before. 
Around 4 years old.
 She is spunky, creative and spends a LOT of time making up different craft ideas, drawing, and uses up a ton of glue, tape, constructions paper and markers. But is is so worth it. She is also stubborn and not easily persuaded once her mind is set on something. 
5 year Birthday!
 It has been amazing to see her learn to read this year and celebrate with her through her first year of matter how much complaining she did about sitting down to do school! haha

Keira has a beautiful singing voice and LOVES Irish Dancing. She had been competing for a year now and is doing great. (A few years ago, if you told me that dance competitions would have any place in my life, I would have I embrace it and it is a lot of fun.) More on that later though.

I took a few pictures of her this 6 year old. 

Keira Marie

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