
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Praise Him!

God's plans are so much bigger and better than ours. The end.

No really, I am sitting here amazed right now at God's provision for us as a family. Last Tuesday night (May 13), Tom took his last final exam. He graduates on June 8th and praise be to God, he was offered a Job that begins June 9! A good job. A career Job...doing what he wants to do. I am unbelievably proud of him as this is a huge accomplishment. Most of the last five years he spent working on his Bachelor's degree in Computer Programming (including summers). All but nine months of that, he worked full time. Keira was a baby when he started and since we have added three kids to our family. And...he has great grades. Yay Tom!

I wrote last month that I had no idea what a "normal life" would feel like and I am starting to experience that now. Tom is home after work, the kids get to spend so much more time with daddy and we are able to sit down as a family and eat dinner together on a much more regular basis. It's the little things folks.

But the thing that I am most amazed about is how over the last few months, I have not been very anxious at all about our unknown future. Sure, I had moments of panic, but they really were fleeting. It became second nature to just pray in those moments and I really did just feel a peace that could only come from the Lord. With so much up in the air, I was determined to focus on the fact that God has never left us and He never will.

I could write forever about all of the ways that God has provided for our needs in the last 5 years since Tom started school...well, really the last 6 years since Keira was born but the things that have happened most recently are the things that are standing out in this moment.

The fact that Tom lost his job a year and a half ago turned into the biggest part of God's plan is amazing. That is the only reason why he was able to graduate already. Then, he got a well paying co op that started last September and not only provided for us financially, but was also able to count as college credit. Another reason why he was able to graduate now. That was also supposed to end last Friday but they asked him to stay on a bit longer. This means that we will not have a single week without pay. CRAZY! God is so good.  (although, a week without work would have had its perks!)

We were mentally prepared for a lot of different move away if needed, to have time without a career, maybe doing any job that he could find, To have to take more classes to get qualified in other areas...

...but God has answered. We get to stay here, near our family, near our friends and in our least for now. God is amazing and I am so thankful!

I realize that things can change in a moment and that God's plans for us could once again change but for now, it feels amazing.

One thing that I have really learned is that getting anxious or stressed about each situation really doesn't help. It doesn't change anything. Prayer does. Let Him ease your anxieties. Cast your cares on Jesus. He is never going to let you go!

Now on to the next big continue renting...or buy a home...hmmmm.

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