
Friday, May 2, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Mess

In honor of it being Friday, I am linking up with Lisa-Jo and her 5 minute Friday link. Today's word is "mess". So here 5 minutes of un-edited writing on this word:

Mess...I think I could go on and on and on about this word for so many reasons. I am in that stage of life where sometimes I feel like messes are all around me. There are certainly days where it feels like I have it all together but it doesn't last very long! Most days, it feels like I cannot get rid of the mess! I can literally clean all day long and even have the kids help me and still....somehow...I can find a place in my house that either never got cleaned or already got messed up again. It can be frustrating.

Don't you think that is somehow how God feels. He loves us so very much but we mess up all the time. He forgives us. He gives us new life. He helps us find our way and yet, there is still so much "mess". We follow behind Him messing up the things He just cleaned....a little like my two year old. I love her more than I could ever express....but she frustrates me on a minute by minute basis with all of the things she does to disobey me. Sometimes I am shocked by the mess she can make so quickly. And what a mess I can make with my life so easily.

Don't you just love her though. haha

Well...that ends my 5 minutes of writing for the day....not sure it made any sense but I am exhausted!

Have a great weekend!

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1 comment:

  1. Great post and I feel like that all the time running around after my kids and cleaning up after them all day!


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